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2. Alias, Trespass

1. When can a Filipino citizen residing in this country use an alias legally? Give 3 instances. 2.5%

2. Under what situations may a private person enter any dwelling, residence, or other establishments without being liable for trespass to dwelling? 2.5%

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A Filipino citizen residing in this country can use an alias legally in the following three instances:

a. When he uses a pseudonym for literary, cinema, television, radio, or other entertainment purposes;

b. In athletic events where the use of pseudonym is a normally accepted practice;

c. When he obtains judicial authority to use an alias.


A private person may enter any dwelling, residence, or other establishments without being liable to trespass to dwelling in the following situations:
a. When he enters for the purpose of preventing some serious harm to himself, to the occupants of the dwelling, or to a third person;

b. When he enters for the purpose of rendering some service to humanity or justice;

c. When he enters cafes, taverns, inns, and other public houses while the same are open.